Sail Numbering Service

SKU: SailNumberingSVC Brand: , ,

£50.00 (ex. VAT £41.67)

  • Enter your Sail Number/Letters required *

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Sailingfast are happy to offer a Sail Numbering Service for certain classes.

You must first ensure that you have ordered the correct Sail Numbers and GBRs where needed. The list below is not exhaustive, but covers the main classes of boats we cater for.

230mm numbers and letters
Laser 4.7/ILCA 4

300mm numbers and letters
Laser Radial/ILCA 6
Laser Standard/ILCA 7

Please either use the comments box to add your sail number, or email [email protected] separately.

NB. While every effort is taken to follow the relevant sail numbering guidelines for your class, we do not guarantee that a sail numbered by us will pass measurement. We would strongly recommend taking a spare set of numbers with you to national and international events as these are often the first things the local chandlery runs out of.