WASZP – Get the Buzz!

How do I get involved in WASZP?

With the WASZP class going from strength to strength and rapidly heading towards 1,000 boats globally, how do I get involved? 

The best place to start is our website www.waszp.com click the link below to find out all about the WASZP Class. Find out about the boat itself, to global events, as well as programs tailored for sailors of all ages!

Am I supported by a local Agent/Ambassador?

We have an amazing global network of distributors for the WASZP. Some of the biggest names in the Sailing retail industry working with WASZP. Agents/Ambassadors can provide you with a demonstration of the boat, assist with your purchase and answer any questions about set-up. A lot of our agents stock spare parts as well, to ensure you will never miss a minute of on-water time. Most of our agents/ambassadors sail the WASZP themselves so are able to provide expert advice well beyond your purchase.

What does it mean to own a WASZP

The WASZP has developed an amazing community over the short 3.5 years it has been in existence. From huge groups connected worldwide through the power of social media, to an epic global events circuit. Locally, there are large pockets of fleets all over the world, with many clubs now racing up to 20 WASZPs on a weekend. 

One of the best parts about the WASZP is even if you are isolated, you still have an ability to stay connected to the community through the power of our on-line footprint. There are some big projects nearing completion as we head into 2021 that will further connect our sailors in a way that has never before been seen in grass-roots sailing.

One last thing – Its fast, its fun & its accessible

More and more people are getting involved in this class all over the world, mainly due to its affordability and accessibility. The passion of our sailors and the growth of the community makes it the number one, one-design foiling boat in the world at the moment!

Want to fly with us?

To organise a test flight, or to grab one of these amazing flying machines, drop us a line in the Sailingfast office on 01324 861 756 or email the office [email protected]

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