ILCA Deck Wear Protection Pads

SKU: ILC5911 Brand: ,

£18.00 (ex. VAT £15.00)

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These ILCA deck wear protection pads are designed to prevent the traveller double blocks from wearing away the deck of your ILCA. The protection pads are injection moulded for durability. This is a great new product to market, made by Allen Brothers.

The ILCA deck wear protection pads also feature:

  • No overhang over the gunwhale that could otherwise get snagged. The neat design clips into place and the traveller line itself keeps it in situ.
  • Minimal 2mm thickness to keep the traveller and block as close as possible to the deck level whilst providing durable protection.
  • A smooth transition from deck level to ensure that the traveller block rides over the pad easily.

The ILCA deck wear protection pads are class legal and available to ship.

Additional information

Dimensions 10 × 5 × 2 cm