Mad Mount WAZSP Specific Protection Bundle

SKU: MadMountCasewaszp Brand: ,


No need to remove protective case for wireless charging.



Our first boat-specific Protection Bundle to satisfy the unique demands of the Waszp.  The Screen Saver is exactly the same to protect against direct screen impacts in  spectacular crashes.

The Protective Case, however, is different in three ways.  First, it incorporates holes in the upper corners where loops are tied for a bungeed preventer system.  This case comes complete with all the materials (rope for loops, hooks and bungee) to install this clever system designed by MadMounts Team Rider, Hippolyte Gruet of France.

Second, the case has diagonal gussets to prevent the preventer system from pulling the case off the Atlas.

And third, these cases are offered in fluorescent, semi-transparent, carbon fiber patterned colors to align with the brand character of the class.


Additional information

Dimensions350 × 20 × 10 cm

Black, Blue, Red, White