Sailingfast Team Riders

Hamish Collingridge

What is your age?
Hamish Collingridge,17

What are you studying, or what did you study?
I am doing PE, Biology, Geography A level and a EPQ looking at Disaster Management

What do you sail?
I sail an ILCA 6 and will begin sailing an ILCA 7 in September.

Where do you sail?
I sail at Waldringfield sailing club in Suffolk. This is where I train alone, so most of my group training is in Weymouth.

Who introduced you to sailing?
My dad has always sailed so he was keen for me to learn when I was 6 with my sister Daisy in our family cadet. It’s funny because at first I absolutely hated it and would even fake being ill to get out of it.

Do you have a role model/inspirational person that you follow? If so, why do you find them inspirational?

Daisy, my sister, is my biggest inspiration as she wasn’t always as good as she is now and it took her lots and lots of hard work to get to where she is now. This inspires me because it makes me believe that if I work hard like she did I can also reach her level one day. Also she has been such a big part of my progression as she always helps me by giving advice and occasionally coaching me.

What would be your best advice or top tips for younger sailors or new sailors?

Everyone starts somewhere and whilst being nearer the back of the fleet when you first start can be disheartening you have to trust the process and keep working. I also think that the main reason we sail is to have fun, so keep it that way and don’t make it too serious!

Quickfire Questions

Tell us something about you that no one else knows

I once got washed up on the dam at Rutland water in a storm. My boat was slamming against the rocks and my foils were a bit worse for wear. I remember being rescued by a rib and being absolutely terrified. After this I was scared of sailing in anything over 10 knots. It’s funny now because windy conditions are my favourite now.

What’s your superpower?

Being able to eat 3 SIS gels before every race and only being sick sometimes.

What bit of sailing kit can you not live without? And why?

It’s a bit silly but I have a collection of lucky charms that are always in my life jacket. The most special one is part of my grandads old burgee which also used to sit in the buoyancy tank of my cadet. Also I have to sail with my compass no matter what venue it is. If not, I always feel blind.

What’s your ultimate dream?

I’m sure many people say this but my dream is to turn sailing into my career and ultimately win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.

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